Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tea Tuesday

After a long day, I love to come home and brew my self a nice big cup of hot, loose-leaf tea. Oh, it is always so good! I have a few new teas that I purchased at a store while I was in Texas. It is so much fun getting to try a new tea. I feel like a kid in a candy store! : )

The new tea that I tried this afternoon is a decaf pomegranate green tea. It was pretty great. When it brewed, it was a deep red color and it sweetened really well. I love Splenda! I bought the tea in a store in Southlake called Central Market. They had an entire isle, with shelves stacked high with large tins holding the different types of loose leaf. You get to pick out what tea you want, measure the amount into little baggies and then you put it on a digital scale that prints off the price of the tea. I was in heaven! I think I grabbed bags of at least ten different teas! I've tried several of them already and I may have to get my friend to ship me some more!

Well, this is a little peek into my obsession love for tea. Its really a fun hobby for me. I love enjoying it while I read my bible or do my homework (bleh). I have especially enjoyed having tea parties with my sisters and my mom. We have this fun dream of opening up a tea room someday. My mom is the hostess, I'm the tea connoisseur and Emilie is the cook...Maddie Kate can just be there looking cute. : )

Here is an amazing painting that my sister did for me. She is so talented (and she knows me well).

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